New car park entrance project – sponsored by Coppard Plant Hire
Over the years the entrance to our main car park has been gradually wearing away, with large ruts and pot-holes appearing, and it became apparent that major work was needed to prevent further deterioration of this area.
Step forward Coppard Plant Hire who have worked with us and provided significant sponsorship to lay a brand new concrete slab at the entrance which will keep this area in top condition for many years to come.
We would like to give our sincere thanks to Coppard Plant Hire for their incredible support with the upkeep and maintenance of our ground and for generously donating all the concrete and the plant to construct this. We also utilised their team to dig out the area and lay the concrete and they have done a first class professional job.
By coming forward to support our club in this way, this family run business have enabled us to ensure that we can continue to keep our car park facility running efficiently and further enhancing the environment for all our players, parents and spectators.
Please see photos below of the progress in this project from the first cut to the finished and reopened car park. Our thanks also go to Committee Members Ben Glenister and Graham Hodges for overseeing this project and driving the dumper truck, and to Chris Frampton with his help in finishing off. We also took the opportunity to scrape off some of the grass and weeds from other areas of the car park with the digger.